DDOT Applies Tailormade Technology to Ensure Compliance of DC’s Parking Cashout Law
Dec 15, 2022
Shahed Abotouk
Marketing Coordinator
DDOT Applies Tailormade Technology to Ensure Compliance of DC’s Parking Cashout Law
Innovative dashboard streamlines compliance reporting for DC employers and is first of its kind in nation to track sustainable commuting efforts
(Washington, DC) — Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced the launching of a new online reporting tool that collects data from DC employers about how they are complying with DC’s Transportation Benefits Equity Amendment of 2020, also known as DC’s Parking Cashout Law. The law, signed by Mayor Bowser in 2020, gives employees an option to keep free or subsidized parking at work or choose to take a cashout for transit instead, helping to reduce drive-alone commuting rates in the District and advance DC’s sustainability goals.
“This law has huge potential to improve our air quality and congestion, increase transportation options, and provide greater benefits and equity,” said DDOT Director Everett Lott. “With Mayor Bowser’s support, we’re so excited to apply state of the art technology to make compliance of the law easier, and helping DC become the healthiest, greenest, most livable city for all residents.”
DDOT’s sustainability program goDCgo partnered with commuting technology company Commutifi to develop an online dashboard that streamlines the process for DC employers to show how they’re complying with the law and allows DDOT to collect data on how the District can support employers’ sustainable commuting efforts. The reporting platform is the first in the country to operate in this way, optimizing DDOT’s management of all reporting and employers’ reporting of all programs effortlessly, setting a new standard for compliance reporting.
DC’s Parking Cashout Law requires DC employers with 20 or more covered employees to either: (1) offer a Clean Air Fringe Benefit to employees receiving a parking benefit, as money for transit fare or vanpools and additional compensation; (2) develop a transportation demand management (TDM) plan with strategies to reduce how many employees drive alone to work; (3) pay a Clean Air Compliance fee of $100 per month per employee who parks; or (4) report an exemption. Employers can also choose to comply with the law by eliminating free or subsidized parking or reporting that they already did not offer parking benefits.
"DC is setting an example for how technology can streamline the compliance process for employers and regulation administrators alike,” said Commutifi’s Head of Insights Andy Keeton. “We are very excited to be a part of this innovative work with DDOT and can't wait to see how this approach spreads to other regions nationwide.”
All affected employers must submit their compliance or exemption paperwork directly through the dashboard by January 15, 2023, or be subject to fines.
For more information about the DC Parking Cashout Law, compliance material, and the online dashboard, please visit ddot.dc.gov/page/transportation-demand-management-and-godcgo.